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Throughout the holiday season, we’ll share some favorite recipes from pantry guests and volunteers. You can help our pantry guests make their holiday favorites by purchasing items from our Amazon Wish List or making a financial donation to help our food pantry purchase ingredients for holiday meals. To see the wonderful recipes we’ve gathered, click on the links below.

Amazon Wish List Donate to Holiday Meals

Best Stuffing

Cranberry-Cherry Compote

BBQ Slow Cooker Chicken

Natilla Colombiana Postre Navideño

Overnight Raisin French Toast




Throughout the holiday season, we’ll share some favorite recipes from pantry guests and volunteers. You can help our pantry guests make their holiday favorites by purchasing items from our Amazon Wish List or making a financial donation to help our food pantry purchase ingredients for holiday meals.

Amazon Wish List Donate for Holiday Meals

Monica explains that Thanksgiving is her family’s favorite holiday! “Stuffing has always been the center piece of our Thanksgiving feast; dating back four generations. My great-grandmother, grandmothers and my mom were all farm women. Nothing went to waste. Their stuffing included the liver, gizzard and heart of the bird. My daughter and I chose this vegetarian version to honor our matriarchs and be bird friendly.”

Preheat oven to 350. Grease 9×13 baking dish. Tear or cut break into 1 inch cubes. Place in very large bowl. Melt butter in large skillet over medium heat. Add leeks, celery, salt, garlic and pepper. Sauté for 5 minutes. Pour leek mixture over bread. Sprinkle with herbs. Toss with hands. Pour over 1 1/2 cups broth. Mix then add eggs. Mix. Transfer to pan and and cover with foil. Refrigerate until ready to bake. Sprinkle with olive oil. Bake for 30 minutes. (Adapted from

Throughout the holiday season, we’ll share some favorite recipes from pantry guests and volunteers. You can help our pantry guests make their holiday favorites by purchasing items from our Amazon Wish List or making a financial donation to help our food pantry purchase ingredients for holiday meals.

Amazon Wish List Donate for Holiday Meals

This beloved recipe has been made for over 20 years! The tradition started because members of the family, including Mike who shared this recipe, love both cherries and cranberries.


Measure the orange juice and add water, if necessary, to make 1 cup.  Pour into a saucepan and add the remaining ingredients, stirring to dissolve the brown sugar.  Bring to a boil over medium-high heat; reduce the heat and simmer, uncovered, until the cranberries pop, about 10 minutes.  Let cool.  Cover and refrigerate up to 10 days.  Makes 12 servings.


Throughout the holiday season, we’ll share some favorite recipes from pantry guests and volunteers. You can help our pantry guests make their holiday favorites by purchasing items from our Amazon Wish List or making a financial donation to help our food pantry purchase ingredients for holiday meals.

Amazon Wish List Donate for Holiday Meals


Tara shared this favorite recipe the whole family can enjoy during the busy holiday season!

BBQ Chicken (Slow Cooker)



Mix everything together but the chicken. Place chicken breasts in the slow cooker (frozen is ok!) and pour the mixture over the top of the chicken. Put on ‘low’ for 4-6 hours. Check chicken and shred around four hours and let simmer in the sauce. Eat on buns or however you enjoy your BBQ chicken.

Throughout the holiday season, we’ll share some favorite recipes from pantry guests and volunteers. You can help our pantry guests make their holiday favorites by purchasing items from our Amazon Wish List or making a financial donation to help our food pantry purchase ingredients for holiday meals.

Amazon Wish List Donate for Holiday Meals

Esta receta tiene recuerdos muy especiales para mí, porque para prepararla nos reuníamos todos en la terraza de la casa de mi abuela donde llegaban primos, tíos, abuelos y hasta vecinos. Se preparaba en una olla gigante y nos turnábamos para mezclarla mientras esperábamos la noche para repartir la natilla y regalos. Por esto esta receta es muy importante para mi y mi familia y además es deliciosa y se acompaña con buñuelos y chocolate.


  1. Coloque 1 taza de leche en un tazón pequeño agregue la maicena y revuelva para que se disuelva, deje a un lado.
  2. Ponga la leche de coco y el coco rallado en la licuadora y mezcle hasta que esté suave y reservar.
  3. Coloque el resto de la leche y las astillas canela en una olla mediana y llevar la mezcla a hervir a fuego medio-bajo. Cuando la leche este un poco caliente, pero no hirviendo, agregue la mezcla de coco.
  4. Cuando la leche empiece a hervir, añadir la leche condensada, el azúcar y la sal. Mezcle bien con una cuchara de madera. Agregue la mezcla de leche y la maicena y continuar revolviendo constantemente.
  5.  Agregar el extracto de vainilla. Reduzca el fuego a bajo y continuar revolviendo hasta que espese la Natilla, unos 10 a 20 minutos. Añadir la mantequilla, mezclar y retirar del fuego. Retirar las astillas de canela.
  6. Sírvalo en un molde grande o moldes para postres individuales.
  7. Espolvorear canela en polvo en la parte superior y deje que se enfríe a temperatura ambiente durante al menos 2 horas. Refrigere hasta que esté listo para servir.

Throughout the holiday season, we’ll share some favorite recipes from pantry guests and volunteers. You can help our pantry guests make their holiday favorites by purchasing items from our Amazon Wish List or making a financial donation to help our food pantry purchase ingredients for holiday meals.

Amazon Wish List Donate


Janet is a long-time WayForward volunteer in our food pantry who shared this recipe. “This was a holiday brunch favorite that my grandkids always requested! ‘Gramma, can we have that yummy toast today?'”

Place half of bread cubes in a greased 13x9x2 baking dish. Top with the cream cheese and remaining bread. In large bowl, combine remaining ingredients, beating eggs first.  Ladle or spoon evenly over the top.  Cover and refrigerate overnight.

Remove from refrigerator 30 minutes before baking.  Cover and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.  Uncover; bake 15-20 minutes longer or until knife inserted near center comes out clean.

Yield:  12 servings