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food donation barrel with WayForward Resources logo that reads DONATE HERE with a QR code, a large orange arrow and and stripes in navy, light blue and peachA crew of volunteers from Springs Window Fashions signed up for painting duty to give our food barrels a makeover ahead of our name change to WayForward Resources in May.

Springs has a strong history as a community partner and their role in this transition was fitting.

Some of WayForward’s donation barrels originally came from Springs — many years ago they received them with product deliveries and they later repurposed them as food barrels for company food drives.

Want to organize a food drive? Visit our drives page!

Jim Levin, a retired infectious disease physician, learned about WayForward from his daughter, who had volunteered in the past. He was looking for something to do with some of his spare time after retiring last January and started volunteering in the fall as a senior program volunteer driver. In a few cases, he has been able to share his medical expertise, offering insights to seniors heading to doctor appointments to help them better understand their condition or what questions to consider asking.

What keeps you coming back?
The gratitude of the clients you are helping drive to medical appointments, the grocery store or to pick up laundry. I enjoy the conversations we get to have on the way.

What has surprised you about volunteering at WayForward?
How well run the operation is and the caring people that work WayForward.

What would you tell a friend who is considering volunteering?
I would tell them that I am happy volunteering for WayForward and impressed with the day-to-day operations

In April, WayForward will celebrate Global Volunteer Month to honor those who give their time and talents to build food security and housing stability in our community. Over the last year, more than 1,000 volunteers have given their time to support our programs. Meet Jonathan Morkved, one of our newer volunteers, who gives his time to support our food pantry. Jonathan started volunteering in the fall. He picks up food rescue items from two local food retailers on Mondays and Fridays on his way to work, stopping at WayForward to weigh in and help stock the food he rescues.

What keeps you coming back?
I really enjoy working with the other volunteers and I believe in WayForward’s mission of ending community hunger. I love rescuing food from local retailers that would otherwise be wasted. It gives me a great sense of purpose and belonging in the community.

What has surprised you about volunteering at WayForward?
I was really surprised by the organization of the program and the open/timely communication to the volunteers. The weekly emails help keep everyone up to date and on the same page to any changes or updates to the program.

What would you tell a friend who is considering volunteering?
I would tell everyone to just sign up for one shift to volunteer inside of the food pantry. You will get a great sense of the support, kindness and inclusivity that is what WayForward is all about. You will feel so warm and welcomed that you will want to come back for more. It almost feels like a family!

On Thursday, June 2,  MOM was delighted to return to Lakeview Park in Middleton for the first Volunteer Appreciation Picnic since 2019. Volunteers, their guests, and MOM staff enjoyed a relaxed evening in the newly renovated park shelter that included a delicious Middleton BBQ and “Moose” catered picnic, an assortment of yard games (Giant Jenga, Kerplunk!, Connect 4, Bean Bag Toss, and Bocce), and time to mix and mingle with each other. A brief program of appreciation concluded with a special message from MOM Executive Director, Ellen Carlson. We are grateful to volunteers who make our work possible.