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Connections in Your Community
July 5, 2022

Connections in Your Community

Connections in Your Community


Last month we introduced our Connections program in our blog post here. Now that you understand the growing need for this program, we wanted to explain how community members can get involved. Stay tuned for the final blog post of our Connections series to find out how you can support the Connections program!

Who qualifies for the Connections program?

The Connections Housing Program can assist individuals or families that are currently doubled-up but would like to move into their own housing within the MOM service area. The household must meet income eligibility requirements and agree to work through the housing process together with the Connections Case Manager. Any questions about eligibility can be discussed with the Connections Case Manager during referral and intake processes.

What staff are involved with Connections?

MOM has hired Nicole Verhagen as the dedicated Connections Case manager. Nicole joined MOM after providing 2 years of case management support to the Latinx community in Dane County. She is passionate about community development and social justice. Through Connections, she is looking forward to providing opportunities for those households that are in need of stable housing.

Nicole will also be supported by MOM’s Housing Stability Director, Taylor Rozman, and other staff within the Housing Stability Team.


How can community members get involved with Connections as a participant?

At this time, most referrals to the program come through community partners, such as school social workers and Joining Forces for Families (JFF) social workers. However, if you or anyone you know is experiencing doubled-up homelessness, you can email Nicole ( or call MOM (608-836-7338) to make an appointment with a case manager who can help you determine whether you are eligible for the Connections program.

What is the current process if you are accepted into the program?

Incorporating principles of Housing First, the Connections Case Manager works with participants to prioritize finding permanent housing in the initial stages. Together, we complete a housing needs assessment that defines the household’s needs, preferences, and challenges related to the housing searching process. Based on participant preferences, the Case Manager can assist in searching for units, submitting applications, negotiating with property management, and/or providing other types of support to ensure a prompt transition into housing. Connections can provide financial assistance with costs like security deposits or rent, as the household gets settled in their new housing. During the remainder of program participation, the Connections Case Manager continues to check in regularly to hear how things are going and provide support as needed, as participants pursue personal goals and continue improving their quality of life.

(Top image by

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