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About Us

What We Do

Our mission is to bring our community together to create food and housing security through action and advocacy. Our vision is a community where everyone has the stability to thrive.


At WayForward Resources, we acknowledge the ongoing structural disparities caused by racism in our country and community.

These disparities cause harm to marginalized populations including Black and Brown people and Indigenous people.  Structural racism creates barriers to well-being and progress, experiences of racial trauma, and decreased access to food and housing. This is intensified for people who are English language learners. We work to reduce harm and enact change by fulfilling an immediate need for food and housing, including voices of lived experience, and advocating for racial equity in these areas.

We envision a strong community where race-based barriers to opportunity do not exist, and race no longer predicts someone’s stability. Everyone’s dignity is recognized and all have the necessary resources to reach their self-defined goals.

What We Do

Food Security
  • Our food pantry is open to all Dane County residents.
  • People can access the pantry as often as they need, five days a week.
  • We also provide food to families and individuals through deliveries, mobile food pantries and partnerships with the Middleton-Cross Plains School District.
Housing Stability
  • Our service area for housing programs includes Middleton, Cross Plains and west Madison.
  • We provide case management, referrals, and housing stability assistance.
  • Our housing stability programs focus on providing critical support to keep families in their homes so they avoid the trauma of homelessness.
  • Our Connections program works with families in doubled-up living situations to locate and move into their own housing.
  • Volunteer drivers can provide ride assistance to seniors.
Seasonal Programs
  • Our Back to School program helps alleviate financial stress so families can focus on paying rent.

Our Values

Organizational Values
  • Dignity – We respect the inherent worth and agency of every individual and work to treat everyone fairly, consistently and confidentially, without condition. Our shared humanity makes us responsible for doing this work.
  • Social Justice – Stable housing and food security are human rights. What we eat, where we live and our connection to our community are key determinants of overall well-being and health, so we focus on providing ample access to these resources.
  • Racial Equity – Racial inequities affect access to food and housing security. We strive to reduce these inequities through our work and through community collaborations.
  • Hope – We foster a sense of optimism for the future by providing compassionate support today and the stability needed to thrive tomorrow.
Operational Values
  • Creativity – We seek innovative solutions to immediate needs, looking beyond the traditional models of our food and housing security systems.
  • Advocacy – We advocate for the needs of those we serve as well as seek opportunities to create transformative solutions to systems that prevent food and housing equality. We honor the experiences of those we serve and seek to amplify their voices.
  • Inclusion – We are strongest when we invite in all and break down barriers for participation. We desire our entire community to be a part of our mission.
  • Collaboration – We cannot create change alone. We must work together and collaborate in order to make the greatest impact.
  • Accountability – Everything we do is honest and trustworthy. We are committed to the highest level of accountability and transparency and use the gifts of our community to make the greatest impact. We utilize data and research to inform best practices in our work.

You Can Help

Build Stability in Our Community

Now, more than ever, your support helps ensure that people in our community have enough nutritious food to eat and can remain in stable housing.