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Garden Fresh Produce for the Food Pantry
Food Pantry
June 22, 2022

Garden Fresh Produce for the Food Pantry

Garden Fresh Produce for the Food Pantry

WayForward’s garden provides fresh produce and a space for gardening training to a dedicated group of families. Each week, volunteers and clients work together to tend a half-acre garden in west Middleton. When the work is complete, each client family takes home a share of the harvest. This year we have a children’s garden that will offer straw bale and container demonstrations as well as composting and natural weed controls. Thank you to our dedicated volunteers, client families, and Mark and Mari Brunsell, who donate the land. We hope for rain as the gardeners continue to water and mulch to keep our gardens producing healthy food for our clients.

We gladly accept garden produce from home gardens.  Please follow the guidelines below to donate your produce:

  • Clean as much mud and dirt as possible off the produce you plan to donate, but do not wash.
  • Remove stems and leaves.
  • Only donate produce that you would buy for your own family. We are unable to use produce that is overripe, overgrown, moldy, seriously blemished, covered in dirt, or has mushy spots.
  • If you use pesticides in your garden, always read and follow the label recommendations.
  • Whenever possible, package produce in family-sized portions in new and clean plastic bags.
  • Check our website to see our donation hours.

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Build Stability in Our Community

Now, more than ever, your support helps ensure that people in our community have enough nutritious food to eat and can remain in stable housing.