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Annual Report 2023-2024

A message from Executive Director Ellen Carlson

“As I look back on the past year, I am struck by how profoundly the dramatic increase in need in our community has shaped our organization. These changes go beyond numbers — we see it in every aspect of our everyday work. Our programs served more than 13,000 people in our community, almost twice as many as the year before.”

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We bring our community together to create food and housing security through action and advocacy.

Food Security + Clothing Center

Total Expenses: $4,041,642

By the end of the fiscal year, we offered in-person shopping five days a week, while providing deliveries and mobile food pantries two times a month for people unable to come to the pantry. We also continued to offer access to food for holiday meals and through our emergency food bags. Our free Clothing Center operated four days a week.

pounds of food distributed (equivalent of 1.3 million meals)
visits to food pantry
food deliveries
pounds of produced harvested from our gardens
people received groceries for holiday meals

“It helps to feel like you have people standing behind you.”

-Wayforward client email

Housing Stability

Total Expenses: $834,830

Our housing stabilization programs focus on keeping people in their homes so they can avoid eviction and the trauma of homelessness. Case managers work with individuals and families to provide financial assistance, connections to resources, and other support.

households received housing stability funds
of housing stability program participants maintained housing and avoided eviction for a year or longer
in direct assistance provided
full-time housing-dedicated staff provide case management services

Connections Program

$182,729 (30 households)

In June 2022, WayForward launched the Connections Program to focus on people who are living doubled up without housing of their own. Since then, 21 families have graduated from the program and no longer need financial assistance from WayForward. Now, with help from a new pilot program grant from the Dane County Department of Human Services, Connections is expanding to help more double-up households find stability. “I wanted to let you know that I have already moved with my son to our new apartment and everything is going well, thank God,” a mother of a young child wrote in an update to her case manager. “We have work, health and stability. We are very grateful for all the support you have given us since the first day we met you.”


We envision a strong community where race-based barriers to opportunity do not exit, and race no longer predicts someone’s stability. Everyone’s dignity is recognized and all have the necessary resources to reach their self-defined goals.

Other Stabilization Programs

Total Expense: $138,788


Households received clothing


Services delivered by Seniors Program


students pre-k to college received school supplies


Winter Wishes gift cards received

Financial Data & Reporting

Financial Donations + Other Income
Individual Donations
Grants, Foundations + Other
Business + Other Organizations
Total Support
Financial Donations + Other Income
Donated Goods + Services

Partnerships matter

Community partners make our work possible, including businesses, community centers, faith communities, foundations, grocery stores, government, individual donors and volunteers, school districts, Second Harvest Food Bank, United Way, and other nonprofits. For 10 years, Middleton-based NET (Network Engineering Technologies) has supported WayForward’s Winter Wishes program and more recently organized a food drive in its office fueled by a competition among teams to complete 1,000-piece puzzles. The result? More than a ton of food for the pantry.

Community Support

volunteer hours
people volunteered in a group
Three Ways to Engage
Hold A Food Drive
Collect a variety of shelf-stable food items to help keep our shelves stocked and give pantry visitors the dignity of choice. Click below to view a list of our current needs.
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One-time and ongoing volunteer roles are available in our food pantry, gardens and at special events for individuals and groups.
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Build food and housing stability with a financial contribution. Let us know about grant opportunities and company matches that align with our mission.
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