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Connections in Your Community
September 1, 2022

Connections in Your Community

Connections in Your Community

Hundreds of people in our community live in doubled-up living arrangements — which means they shift indefinitely between the homes of families and friends due to their economic situation. Our new Connections housing program focuses on filling this gap by working with doubled-up households to help them find and maintain stable housing.


How is the Connections program funded?

The Connections program is funded primarily by individual and group donations, with some grant funding from United Way of Dane County. Programs like Connections work with people in doubled-up living arrangements who can’t receive federal funding because they don’t meet the definition of homeless defined by those government programs. Because most of MOM’s funding comes from individuals and groups, we are uniquely suited to support this program.

What can community members do to help fund the Connections program?

  • Become a Connections sponsor by making a year-long commitment. Your monthly donation can help bridge the gap between what families can afford to pay and the actual cost of rent during the length of the program while they work to remove barriers, regain stability and independently pay rent. Sponsorships for $250 or $500/month are accepted. Sponsors can be acknowledged on our website, social media and print and email newsletters (circulation 8,000).
  • Make a donation of a one-time security deposit. A donation of $1,500 covers the entry costs into housing for one family or household, helping them move into a place of their own.
  • Make a general donation. Make a donation of any amount to help support the Connections program.

Are there non-monetary ways people can support/give?

  • Amazon Wish List. Our Amazon Wish List features basic necessities families need when moving from a doubled up situation to living independently again. Items include sheets, shower curtains and other basics. Order from the wish list and we will deliver the items to program participants.
  • Welcome Home Kit. Assemble a kit to welcome families into their new home. Our list of suggested items includes cleaning supplies, trash bags and paper towels. Please verify our current needs before assembling.

Interested in supporting Connections? Contact Leslie at 

(Image by