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Welcome, New Board Members!
May 7, 2024

Welcome, New Board Members!

Welcome, New Board Members!

WayForward is proud to welcome four new members to our board this month – Chris Roth, Jennifer Wagner, Alex Gibson and Kate Nisbet (pictured above from left to right).

Roth is the Chief Marketing Officer at UW Health and also serves on the board for Ronald McDonald House Charities – Madison.

Wagner is the Director of Eligibility & Enrollment with the national non-profit advocacy organization the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and has spent her career working on programs that affect low-income families.

Gibson is Managing Director at Smart Solutions, Inc. and has worked with non-profit organizations for over 20 years. He started with WayForward as a volunteer in addition to more recently serving on a board committee.

Nisbet is part of the Client Solutions Team at Forward Health Group, Inc. and has worked in the health care industry for her entire career, along with serving as a board member for the Middleton High School Athletic Booster Club, Middleton High Band & Orchestra Parent Association and Stonefield Neighborhood Association.

Last month we said a heartfelt thank you and goodbye to two board members. Pastor Connie Matye (left) joined the board in the heart of the pandemic. Her passion for serving was a steady force throughout her term, which was full of more twists and turns than we could have ever imagined! Tricia Nolan (right) served on the board for 9 years, most recently as board chair. We are grateful for her near decade of compassionate service and her leadership in helping the organization through our rebrand to WayForward Resources.